Seventh Grade Genius Hour Projects 2021

As we near the end of our year together as a virtual Reading and Language Arts class, I have high hopes for the students’ Genius Hour projects. It is not an easy task—monitoring one’s own learning—no matter where, or for what. I am asking this of all the students.

Something that is posing a struggle for many of them is understanding how to record where they go and what they do when they work to LEARN and GROW. I am asking that they LOG their “tracks,” like the bread crumb trail left by Hansel and Gretel. Because they are new to this enterprise, they are struggling to leave a path for me to follow. Without that, I cannot give them project points along the way. I will go over this problem again today. This is a process with points earned along the way, not a project with all the points on the final “Show What You Know.”

The blog posts are a way to incorporate checkpoints in the process. When I would offer Genius Hour/20% Time options to my eighth graders (you can see some evidence of that in the “Past Blogs” tab of navigation here), they told me that more frequent check-ins would help them stay honest, to actually DO something with the time they were given. I am taking their advice!

I encourage parents to read the blogs and comment. Nothing makes a writer develop with more intention than knowing that someone is reading his or her work with true interest. As much as I try to be that authentic audience for each of them, I do, by definition, have a different role. Fortunately their peers are reading and commenting as part of this process, too!

We’ll keep you posted on our progress. Thanks for joining us on this journey.

A Just and Lasting Peace

At the close of his second inaugural address, President Lincoln said:

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

As our country reeled in the aftermath of a civil war, this president urged reconciliation.  This holiday season, nations worldwide are bearing the weight of unfathomable grief and uncertainty about what the future may bring.  This is no less true for the children in our care.  For them, the wounds may be invisible,the battle psychological, but Lincoln’s words are no less pertinent to this time.

In August, unaware of the specific threats that humanity might be facing, but equally certain that we would be facing some, I posted about the coming November—optimism is my mainstay, my touchstone; after all, I teach.  I offer it once again—now that the future is here.

It’s Called the “Worldwide Web”

This Blog Action Day I don’t want to sound like a foot-stamping kindergartner who wants it HER way, but I am moved to write after reading an article from the thought-provoking blog Mindshift.  At the risk of oversimplifying, the article questions the censorship imposed upon teachers and their students when safety mechanisms such as filters—firewalls—become the rule of law at school.  It argues that such well-intentioned policies run counter to the First Amendment.

Don’t misunderstand me, I acknowledge that schools are justifiably concerned with the safety of their students and maintaining the integrity of an institution that encourages learning and growth in both academic and ethical areas.  This tension between safety and individual freedom will endure and hopefully foster the discussions that Blog Action Day invites.  I also understand that the discussion of when and for whom cannot be ignored in a school context.

Today I was pushed to write about this topic, not only because I had shared an abridged version of the aforementioned article with your children in anticipation of this blog event, but because, in planning for the lesson at home, I embedded the World’s Greatest Lesson video from Vimeo and planned to show it to your children as a way to generate some possibilities for them to “Raise [Their] Voices.”  The problem surfaced when I was unable to show the video as planned because Vimeo was blocked.  “There’s bad stuff on that site, Trish,” I was told. I’m sure there is; I’m also sure that this particular video I wish to use for educational purposes is not.  I applaud our principal for removing the filter for the day, but I have other videos planned, and many of them are housed at Vimeo.

To this point, the article advances the critical perspective that students need to be trained as digital citizens, as dicerners of content, and we, as their teachers have a responsibility to develop that skill. Banning content, hyper-regulating it, does little to foster insight and might even encourage duplicity as students work to circumvent barriers.  As one of my students, an eighth grader, wrote in his notebook after an activity dealing with online ethics, “…if kids were given more freedom, it would open up new opportunities to learn more.”  I understand the desire of a school administration to protect the students, but I firmly side with the opinion that “Students need to be part of the discussion of classroom norms and can help set the consequences for breaking them. But prohibiting the students from accessing the tools…restricts their intellectual rights.”

More importantly, however, the article speaks to a deeply fundamental issue.  Our students, fortunate to have internet at home and in other easily accessible spaces, will not require school as their conduit to participation in public life.  This is disturbing after further consideration because, once again, it underscores the widening divide between voices we get to hear, those who get to speak, and those who remain silent and marginalized because of inherent inequity.  In the World’s Greatest Lesson one of the 17 Sustainable Goals is to remediate the great disparity that exists across multiple categories.  Number four declares: Provide equitable and inclusive education and life-long learning opportunities for all.  If some students remain outside the halls of access, then all students are less informed because of it.

One of the most influential professors in my Masters program at Rutgers once said something that resonates.  When discussing our attempts to achieve equity, he explained that it is so often framed “on its head.”   He would argue that those who most benefit from inclusiveness, from an effort to “make situations equal,” are not those who are recipients of such efforts, but rather those who extend the opportunity, for as a result, they experience increased engagement with a wider swath of humanity.  These interactions enrich their human experience and understanding and nurture the capacity for empathy.  Facilitating a greater human conversation, while realizing that we may hear what we don’t especially want to hear, will cause growth.  This is education.

“Raise Your Voice” on Blog Action Day 2015

This graphic, taken from Mindshift, and created by Sylvia Duckworth and J Casa Todd, captures the essence of Blog Action Day.
This graphic, taken from Teach Thought, and created by Sylvia Duckworth and J Casa Todd, captures the essence of Blog Action Day.

The second statement distinguishing a digital leader from a mere citizen is, “I use the internet and social media to empower others with no voice.”  When I think about that statement, I have to consider the most recent goals established by the United Nations for sustainability.  The video embedded here discusses the “World’s Largest Lesson” and presents many ideas worth “raising our voices” as well as actually DOING something about.

The Worlds Largest Lesson Introduced by Malala Yousafzai from World’s Largest Lesson on Vimeo.

A Taste of Things to Come

This morning as I was checking my email accounts, and visiting my blog”spots,”  I happened upon this vimeo presentation by the great Wendell Berry

and realized that, by posting it here, in the waning days of summer, I could give my soon-to-be eighth graders a glimpse of what their last year at Brielle Elementary School may hold.  This poem is one of my favorites and I usually pair it with the TED talk also featured here.

While November finds these as part of our curriculum, this time of year, when mornings dawn cloudless, blue, and sunny, may be a perfect time to embrace with joy what is right with the world.  So, here they are:  Peace, gratitude are always in season.

While I Was Away

During two of the days I was away, I asked the students to write two different blog posts.  The first was to discuss a text that they were reading, or had just finished reading.  The requirements were to include at least two hyperlinks that expanded the readers’ knowledge about the book in some way.  In addition, students were to speak about SIGNIFICANCE, so if they included a re-telling of an event, they had to discuss why it was important.  Significance should have been at the heart of the writing!  The second post was to tell, “The Story of My Speech.”  It was a reflection at its heart and had several goals, among them to introduce the context, to share research resources, and to discuss rhetorical strategies that they used successfully.

After reading many of the posts, I urge you to check out a few in particular.  First  is Maddie’s Marvelous Blog.  She uses such great language in both posts.  I particularly love how specific she is in referring to Mr. Jahnson’s visit and her use of “Grand Entrance” to explain her opening.  The post about her text connects to a real-world problem, another terrific piece of writing.  Jenna’s blog is another example of terrific writing and following directions.  I love how she refers to the speeches we listened to in class as being helpful to her process.  These are only two you may discover as you peruse the blogs.  Happy READING!

Ode to the Five

O, Thumb, the one,

we see your sign of

approval, sometimes doubled.

And you, Number Two, Index

ET extends his–

it glows, throbbing;

the touch of home.

The Middle,

you sometimes-rude one, but strong,

with your wafting digit, smell arrives.

O Ring, the fourth,

as a too-large metal band slides

free and strikes the floor,


Last and little, the pinkie

dips delicately into frosting

or guacamole, to sample

to taste.

I salute you,

the FIVE.
